HART's BOOKMARKS - Concept Overview
Currently, I have a "gajillion" websites bookmarked in my browser.
I also have a "babillion" linked sites throughout my various websites, its free-for-all pages, and other sites that I might get to from originating sites found listed my bookmarks or websites.
If you add these two figures together .. you get a "manillion" websites to find!! Very tedious and inefficient.
This is what I have decided to do. I plan to organize all of these bookmarked sites by topic into this blog. I will create general and specific topics and continually update the same blog entry when I have added new links. When I need to find a website, I can just go to my favorite section, and do an "EDIT/FIND/.." to locate the topic and website I want.
As I subsequently add new websites to ... HART's BOOKMARKS ... I will let you know the last time each blog bookmark post was updated.
If you have any great websites you would like to add to .. HART's BOOKMARKS ... please do so in the comment area! If you can make it clickable too, others and myself would appreciate your assistance.
In the meantime, this may take time to create over the next little while, so please bear with me.
Take care.
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