Saturday, July 02, 2005

A "Checklist Form" For The Taking

Usually, while I'm working on a client's file, there is a good chance you will be missing information. I try to get around this issue, but preparing a general checklist for the client to follow.

It's quite easy to create a checklist on recurring jobs, because you can basically go through last year's file and make a list of everything that is in there, that your client can provide.

I have found it to be true, that if you provide a 'professional looking' checklist, your client will make a better attempt to providing you with the information you need.

So, I do stuff like this .... I create a "CHECKLIST FORM" and jot down the items I need. It is usually in the Balance Sheet account order, starting with the bank statements and ending off with perhaps, items paid by the shareholder or proprietor not yet recorded into the books. Because at times I may prepare and MAIL this in advance (it helps get the client prepared and ready early after the year end), I print this off of my HP Deskjet 990 cxi printer, with my company color letterhead.

You are welcome to take this template and use it for your own purposes. You are also free to pass it along (because it's not that big of a deal), although I hope that you remember where you got the idea and give me credit :-D Maybe stroke my EGO here, and give me a blog comment to let me know that you have taken this template.

I am currently using Microsoft Word 2002 as my preferred document program for my templates and even my invoices.


Take care.


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