Sunday, June 26, 2005

HART's Accounting Experience - History

I began to work in PUBLIC PRACTICE along side my father, AARON SINGER, Chartered Accountant (C.A.), since the summer of 1985.

Between the summer of 1985 to June 30, 1989 the firm name was Singer Lazer + Grant, Chartered Accountants.

In July 1989 my father, one of the senior partners, left with a junior partner and they formed their own accounting firm. The name was Singer & Johnson, Chartered Accountants.

Sometime around 1994 or so, another C.A. joined the firmed, and it was renamed to Singer Johnson Sasley.

Sasley announced he was leaving post January 31, 1999 and the firm name was renamed to Singer Johnson, Chartered Accountants.

I performed all the normal duties of an accounting technician, and I was 'production' staff. I was also the network administrator, the E-File Co-ordinator, the computer guy, and I even emptied the garbage cans too!

Around 1995 my parents began vacationing in Hemet California, on an annual basis, for at least two months a year. Their plan was to increase it to six months each year away on vacation and away from the Chartered Accountant Firm. I took a greater role in managing my father's client base and dealing with the clients and maintaining client satisfaction.

My father retired in 2003 and I had major personal issues with his partner, in the way he handled the busines, myself and my father's retirement, so it was officially in March 2003 when I left public practice to work under my own business name HBS Management Consultants. I maintained all of the relationships with the existing client base and still maintain them.

I am not a Chartered Accountant. Nor do I have any degrees.

I have taken the Bachelor of Commerce (honours) program at University of Manitoba, but I didn't graduate. I had taken all of the courses except I failed the last course in the program called "Administrative Policy". The reasons were, in my opinion, unfair and unreasonable and while I detested immensely and appealed the grade. I managed to repeat the course in the summer, but didn't attend any classes and deserved to fail. I should have graduated in 1985. When I tried to enroll in the spring 1987 session to finish this course and program, I was placed on academic suspension for taking too long, and using up too many credit hours. The 'rules' to allow me to get back into the program, was to take a full 1-1/2 year session or 27 credit hours of non-accounting related ART courses before I could repeat the course.

I did not choose that option, and on June 30, 1989 I left public practice and university to become controller with our family business STI Merchanding Corporation, with my two brothers. I created HBS MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS and was also doing monthly accounting for a few individual lawyers, a few restaurants, and my cousin's screen printing business.

I returned February 1992 to work at Singer & Johnson, Chartered Accountants, when I learned of their rapid growth problems and high turnover of accountant technician problems, and everyone thought (including myself) that I could make a difference.

In 1994 I enrolled in the Certified General Accountants (C.G.A.) program but, mostly concentrated on Income Tax courses, to help make me a better tax accountant. This was a good idea at the time, but had proved to be a bad timing decision. The course was intense and I barely finished it. I shouldn't have enrolled during tax time. When the 3rd level came I put the courses on hold.

I never did get around to re-enrolling into the CGA or CA program and I really don't want to go back either. I know my experience and what I am capable of doing. Of course, in my business, you have to keep up to date with the latest changes to accounting practices, income tax legislation, and technology. I do participate in many accounting forums, I do research all the time with regards to income tax and other matters, and I do subscribe to many newsletters and other sources of information that might occassionally give me a "heads up" to help me give me direction for future research.

For the more complex tax issues, I do engage the services of a tax specialist to assist me and provide consultation, but for the most part I can hold my own.

Since I've been on my own, I describe my business as an "Accounting / Consultanting" business specializing in "Systems Consulting" , and not as a public practice. I can prepare and file all types of tax returns and can help you be compliant and the accounting and income tax preparation consists the majority of my business income. I can prepare and publish Notice to Reader and Review Engagements. I cannot perform an audit, or sign a lawyer's Form-D annual report and other audits of that nature.

I hope this blog entry helps paint a picture of me, in a good way. Throughout the years, I do not believe I lasted there because my father was the senior C.A. partner, where in fact - it was the exact opposite. He would stay out of all decisions and actions to avoid helping me and favoring me in any way. My growth and development and experience had evolved at the success of my own making, and of my peers.

Take care.



"Public Practice" refers to "the practice of public accounting".

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Manitoba defines it in its bylaws:

"practice of public accounting" means providing or offering to provide one or more of the following services to the public:

(i)performing an assurance engagement as defined in the CICA Handbook;

(ii)performing a specified auditing procedures engagement as defined in the CICA Handbook;

(iii)performing a compilation engagement as defined in the CICA Handbook;

(iv)providing an accounting service insofar as it involves summarization, analysis, advice, counsel or interpretation, but excluding an accounting service which is part of but incidental to the provider's primary occupation which is not accounting;

(v)providing a forensic accounting, financial investigation or financial litigation support service;

(vi)providing advice, counsel or interpretation with respect to taxation matters; and

(vii)preparing a tax return or other statutory information filing when such preparation is in connection with a practice offering or providing a service described in paragraph (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) or (vi).

For greater certainty, the practice of public accounting does not include:

(viii)management consulting, including investigating and identifying management and business problems related to the policy, technical, organizational, operational, financial, systems, procedures or administrative aspects of organizations and recommending appropriate solutions;

(ix)insolvency, including receivership, trusteeship in bankruptcy, liquidation and administration of bankrupt or insolvent companies and estates;

(x)data processing, including manual record keeping;

(xi)administratorship, insofar as it involves the management of affairs on behalf of others;

(xii)computer systems consulting;

(xiii)business brokerage, negotiating and advising on the sale, financing, merger or acquisition of business organizations;

(xiv)executorship and estate administration;

(xv)personal financial planning;

(xvi)investment counselling;

(xvii)insurance counselling; and


Saturday, June 25, 2005

HART's Computer Background - History

I was born July 11, 1963. That makes me .. (lessee, carry the one, minus the nine, divide by the square root of 63) um ... Experienced! I used to like drinking coffee at 7-Eleven all the time. I used to think I was permanently destined to do so for the rest of my life, until I stopped working next to a 7-Eleven and well, that though went away fast.

Anyway ...

In 1976 I was 13 years old. Our family moved out from 'The City' out to 'Rural Country' in that year. I vaguely remember that I was familiar with computers. It was more familiar OF computers actually. There were card readers at that time and apparently some super computers out there as SMALL as a room that could play chess! It sparked my interest and I tried to get involved either at school or join discussions with friends if I could. In late 1976 or early 1977, I finally stopped commuting back and forth to school in the city and was officially part of 'Country Folk' school.

Our family had side businesses going on around that time, in particular a company my mother had that was selling giftware and acrylic products. My father setup some accounting and bookkeeping system to record the sales, keep track of accounts receivable and all other aspects of the business, and I was interested in doing the books. My father is a C.A. (Chartered Accountant) and I was a Chip Off The Old Block! I remember vividly wanting to be the first one on the block to get a computer and I could do the books of the company for my mom!

1977 - The Apple II computer was invented. Another FLY-BY-NIGHT company if I ever seen one! There was Atari and Commodore computers that were out. I don't really know if these were really computers, but a few of my friends had them. It was like the playstation of Xbox of today where you connect it to your TV screen. My father thought that these Atari and Commodore were just to play games, there was no reason to buy that for a business.

1979 - I finally convinced my folks to buy me a computer .. the Apple II+ ... here is a picture of this model.

If you are interested in reading about the history of computers in general, here are two good sites:
The Timeline of MicroComputers - 1926 to 2001
The "" Page - By Date

I was 16 and now had my own computer. I did computerize my mom's business with the help of my dad and this has been the way it has been with all businesses our family has ever been involved with. While I can't recall which accounting program I actually used on this Apple II+ (was it Dac-Easy?) .. I certainly can recall that I had the coolest games for the Apple II+ on floppy. It was Stip Poker and Stip Poker-X.

Throughout the 1980's and mostly into the Late 1980's, I was fortunate to attend the comdex or the electronic shows in either Toronto, Las Vegas or Chicago. I went in 1991 (for me) and in 1992 and 1993 (for my work) to the Comdex shows in Toronto. I was quite disappointed in 1994 when 40 days before the show was to begin and I was booking my airline tickets, one of the Partners changed his mind, and didn't want me to go. I was quite taken aback from this decision, because not only was I the 'computer' guy for the firm, I was also the 'network' guy, and the one who everyone relied on for advice and direction everytime we needed an upgrade or reinvestment in computers. The other two partners didn't care to see the positive influence this show always had on me, so I had to take matters in my own hand, and researched.

In January 1995 I finally created an account to go 'online' with CompuServe. If you recall at those times and in the first half of the 1990's there was no internet. Well, there was the military internet if you do your homework, but really, no internet as we know it. There were modems around. You were able to communicate with other machines using programs like PcANYWHERE, where you can access another computer remotely using the telephone line and modem. There were also Bulletin Boards that you were able to dial up and retrieve data or obtain news and other stuff. I was more into the remote access instead of the Bulletin Boards.

In March 1995, when I began to read about the The history of the WWW and started to notice all of the reports of how many internet users has been growing at an exponential rate, I was pleased that I was 'Got In' at the ground floor.

I wasn't too pleased with my April 1995 Visa Statement however. HOLY CRAP! (to quote Frank Barone) did Compuserve screw me! AOL eventually bought out Compuserve in 1997, but I had to get out. It was silly. The only way I can communicate with their billing department, was to log on and get billed. It took me a few months to finally get my own service provider.

As you recall, Win95 was officially released in August 1995. My cousin, James, was a beta tester somehow and I again, somehow, I managed to scoop a copy and install it on my computer in Late June 1995. It was veeeeeeery eeeenterestinnnnnng.

On August 16, 1995 I officially had my own website and provider. It was with GateWest Communications. I'd still be with them today, had our M.T.S. phone company took over their DSL portion of their business. I just melded into the M.T.S. account that I still have today.

I learned HTML and engaged in many forum discussions during 1995 and it wasn't until November 6, 1995 that my first wage page was created. How do I know? Because I still have a copy of my January 1, 1997 backup webpage and it 'says so'. HART's HomePage 1996. It's funny, but my ICQ number was 100965 and they started at 100,000. What are the number sequences now - isn't it in the billions? I was there at the start of this company's success.

One of HART's Friend nicknamed "Stormy" created this logo for me at the time and I ended up using it between 1995 through 1998.

In 1998, I tried to create my own logo, but I was never good at using photoshop or other graphic programs like that. This was my best logo I ever created:

A lot of people, including clients and the principals of the firm I worked in, were utilizing me as the computer expert. It was okay, and I was glad to help. But, how can one keep up in the computer industry and technology without going to the shows? You can't - unless you are deep in research and experimentation. I just didn't have the time.

It wasn't officially until the release of Windows M.E. (Millenium Edition) that I declared that I would not give anybody software advice anymore. You tell me what computer software program you are using, and my new goal was to get you to use it to the best that it can be.

You can do your accounting and bookkeeping on Excel and a toothbrush, if you wanted to .. and you can do it on Quickbooks Pro on a wireless computer, if you wanted to ... I just refuse to acknowledge which method is better. I can teach you how to do it properly using either method.

That's my thing. I am an "Accountant / Consultant", specializing in "Systems / Computer Consulting". At least that's what it said on my business card for years. Now it claims as follows:

Accounting, Bookkeeping, Income Tax Preparation, Systems, Consulting


You can just call me HART. Or, you can email HART

I have had a wide variety of personal websites, and besides my business website, I have our wedding and personal website at and our Dog's website which evolved into and most importantly,

And in the now - view my profile - welcome to HART's life as a blogger.

Take care.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Greetings and Salutations! - About This Blog


I have created this blog in an attempt to eventually become a companion interest and support site for my business ...

HBS Management Consultants.

The business name is derived from me .. HARTLEY B SINGER, and my website from the business name itself .. ...

I am an "Accountant / Consultant"
---> Pronounced: "Accountant Slash Consultant".
--->"SLASH" is what I am here to do for you ... slash your time and expense involved in:

* getting you current with your accounting records
* organizing your records and creating systems
* making your job easier and more efficient, and
* making my job easier and more efficient
..... because I will charge you by the hour and I'm expensive!

Well, that's what I tell my clients when I begin training the individuals. I usually leave a few extra business cards before I go, to tack on the wall over the computer or for the bookkeeper's desk, and jokingly say ..
Here's my business card if you need me .. or just call 1-800-CALL-HART

So - one day, I finally decided to just register the domains and (so nobody else would register these domains). Currently, both of these domains are just aliases to my business website and probably a waste of my money.

Rules of My Blog

  • There are no rules to my blog. Rules are silly.

  • Slowly, I will eventually discuss topic matters of great importance and also of sheer nonsense. If there is a topic you would like me to discuss, please get my attention by responding to any of the blog entries in the Comment area.

    Have you seen my other Blog? - [The Blog]
    "A Website For All Earthlings, Who Love Animals"

    Take care.